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I have come to inform you of a possible disaster. An IP has been vandalising and spamming on the Animal Crossing Wiki, which is my primary wiki. After the IP was blocked (He spammed/vandalised nearly 40 pages) he appeared on another wiki that the ACWiki users and I frequently visited and began doing the same thing there. In addition, he mocked the other users with words that should never be repeated. He swore to spam any wikis that we visit. If you see an IP with the address, or, block him immediately. He has 2 addresses, due to IP hopping. Also, he's clever. He actually framed another user, and we blocked that user for a long time. He was later un-blocked for false accusations. This IP must be stopped. And do block him for a long time. If he insults anyone that sounds like a user, it's probably him. Thank you, and good luck.

Minifig-me, bOiNg!!! 19:02, December 20, 2010 (UTC)
