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The Tough Possessor is the sixth boss in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and the second boss of the Treacherous Mansion.


The Tough Possessor is a tall, white ghost with five horns and a Dark Moon piece where its heart would be.


The battle takes three stages involving suits of armor.

Stage 1

The Tough Possessor splits in two and possesses two suits of armor.  The armor rush Luigi and try to crush him with their weapons.  Luigi must lure them onto rugs in the middle of the room, and use the Poltergust 5000 to pull them up from underneath, causing the armor to break and the ghost to fall out, reformed.

Stage 2

Now the Tough Possessor will split into three.  Repeat the steps from Stage 1.

Stage 3

The Tough Possessor will split into four.  They will fly out of the room and come back in an enormous suit of armor that will try to stomp Luigi and hit Luigi with its sword.  Debris will fall from the ceiling and hit Luigi as well.  Luigi must make the armor land both feet onto a rug, and then pull up both rugs one at a time.  The armor will come crashing down, and the four Possessors will become one for Luigi to suck up.
