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The Terrible Teleporter is one of the five main boss ghosts that is fought in the ScareScraper, only in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.


Physical description[]

The Terrible Teleporter has an identical shape to Sneakers, although they are much larger in size and limeish-yellow in color, instead of purplish-pink.

Powers and abilities[]

The Terrible Teleporter has all of the abilities used by Sneakers, with a new addition; they can create vortex-like portals that, if any Luigi gets near one, they will be teleported to another room.



The Terrible Teleporter will make an if appearance on any floor that is a multiple of five, barring the top floor if not playing on Endless.

The Terrible Teleporter is fought in duos. Depending on the difficulty, both of the Sneakers will have 250, 350 or 450 hit points. When they are fought, they will be assisted by Slammers. On Expert difficultly or Endless mode, Strong Slammers will appear.

The Terrible Teleporters will create many portals on the ground and the lower their remaining HP is, the more portals will appear.


Like the other five main boss ghosts, the Terrible Teleporter has themed variations.

  • Freaker Sneaker (Sleek Sneaker in British English localizations)
  • Pink Zinnia
  • Scorn
  • Scool (Skoul in British English localizations)
  • Fright Fly (Terrorfly in British English localizations)
  • Shriek Shark
  • Tennis Menace
  • Zebrawl

See also[]

External links[]

