Playing on Dolphin and learning how save states can break the ability to save, so take this with a grain of salt until someone looks into it further. I think the Sunshine Outfit is only offered after receiving the Shine from Corona Mountain. The first time I beat Bowser, I did not receive the Shine, and while the news alert displayed the message about "The Shine Gate has also opened," the Sunglasses Vendor still only gave me the sunglasses. I was trying to get all the blue coins in Corona Mountain using save states cause I can't stand that boat, haha. Turns out in Dolphin, if you load a save state made before your most recent save, you can't save from that point on. So I acquired all the blue coins, but couldn't save the last 5. Beat Bowser, watched the credits, couldn't save the game after the credits. Loaded into my save file from the main screen, and Delfino Plaza was no longer flooded, and "The Shine Gate has also opened," appeared, and I was able to save from the pause menu, but I still didn't have the Shine from corona mountain, and couldn't get the Sunshine Outfit. Subsequently, collecting all the blue coins and defeating Bowser again rewarded me with both the shine and the sunshine outfit. Is this just a weird bug due to some sort of flag getting saved even though I couldn't save my game file? Or is the Corona Mountain shine tied to getting all the blue coins? Either way, it seems the Sunshine Outfit requires the Corona Mountain shine, not Delfino Plaza being drained from its flooded state, and not the "...D.E.B.S. ALERT...The flood caused by recent record-breaking rains has receded, and the water level is back to normal. The Shine Gate has also opened..." message. Pookyduke (talk) 00:22, 1 May 2024 (UTC)