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Sue Pea, in her Bronze Frame Portrait.


Full body picture of Sue Pea, in her Silver Frame Portrait.

Sue Pea, the Dozing Girl, is one of the portrait ghosts in Luigi's Mansion, who sleeps on the guest bed in the Guest Room in Area Four. Her name comes from "Soupy", and she is an optional ghost.  To capture her, you first must find her weakness. Using the Game Boy Horror on her, she talks about how she'll "never wet the bed". To accomplish this, you need to find a Water Elemental Ghost, suck it up and return to the Guest Room. The Water Elemental Ghost can be found in a vase, just outside of the Guest Room. When you return, spray the water on Sue Pea, exposing her heart. When this is done you can suck her up into the Poltergust 3000. Though, while trying to suck you up, she attacks by throwing dolls at you, which take away five HP. If you don't suck her up, you have to repeat the process over again. 

Sue Pea

