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Sparky Wario is a form of Wario that appears in Wario: Master of Disguise. This form can be used after Wario gets the Sparky Guise Gem from the Smithsnorian Museum. To use Sparky Wario, the player must draw a lightning bolt on Wario (basically, a tilted "Z").


Out of all of Wario's disguises in this game, Sparky Wario is the one certainty resembles a superhero the most. In this form, Wario wears blue tights and yellow gloves. His hair also makes a change in which it turns yellow and becomes spiky.

Powers and Abilities[]

As Sparky Wario, Wario is able to generate electricity allowing him to power up generators and light up dark rooms. After getting the Sparky Mastery Gem, Sparky Wario is able to shoot out three bolts of electricity that can damage enemies.

Sparky Wario suffers weaknesses shared by most of his other forms: slow moving speed and a lack of a good offensive attack. Even though Sparky Wario does get an offensive move later in the game, the move is rather random in where the three lightning bolts can be shot. In addition, Sparky Wario can only use his attacks while standing still on the ground. Cosmic Wario makes for a better offensive transformation because of this especially thanks to being able to fire the lasers in almost any direction.


  • Sparky Wario is the only disguise in the game that isn't used in any of the boss fights (Wicked Wario is at least used for the Carpaccio race).