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Skip Slope is an area in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon located in the Secret Mine. It resembles a long icy slide from the Crossroads to the Smuggler's Hideout. It has one door leading to each of those rooms.


Once Luigi enters Skip Slope through the Crossroads in D-2: Hit Rock Bottom, he must slide down the slope to recover a Key which will open the door at the bottom leading to the Smuggler's Hideout. The Key is located on the right side of the slide off a ramp. Is it notable that a Gem is available for discovery on the slope. Just head left through a large hoop and pick up the Gem. If you miss the Key or Gem and wish to return to the top, just activate the E-Gate. It leads to the top of the slide. In mission D-2: Hit Rock Bottom, Luigi must first search the barrel in the corner of the bottom of the slope to find a windmill like mechanism. This mechanism can be interacted with using the Poltergust 5000. When blown on, the lockers covering the door at the bottom lift. In mission D-3: Across the Chasm, Luigi must use his Dark-Light Device to find the door.
