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Wario Land Super Smash Bros.

"Thank you, Wario...♥"
—Princess Shokora, Wario Land 4

Princess Shokora is a supporting character in Wario Land 4.


Long ago, Shokora was a princess who ruled over an unnamed country where the events of Wario Land 4 take place. She rested peacefully within the Golden Pyramid, until it became occupied by a greedy and power-hungry villain known as the Golden Diva, who placed a curse on Shokora.[1]

Many years later, but still prior to the events of Wario Land 4, Shokora had been transformed into a Black Cat, but still possessed her human mind.

In Wario Land 4[]

WL4 newspaper

Shokora, as a Black Cat, looking at a newspaper in the opening cutscene of Wario Land 4

Shokora is first seen in the opening cutscene, residing in a dirty alleyway in her Black Cat form. Shokora is soon shown crossing a city street, while Wario speeds over her in his Wario Car, causing a newspaper to fly into Shokora's face. Shokora looks at the front page of the newspaper, showing an article about the discovery of the pyramid where Shokora once rested, as well as a small portrait of Shokora.

The Black Cat is somewhat like a guide to Wario. In the room before each passage's boss, Shokora is seen running into the Item Shop, transforming from a Black Cat into a shopkeeper before Wario enters. The shop owner form is displayed on the walls of the Hall of Hieroglyphs, which provide tutorials on how to use Wario's various moves and attacks.

In her shop owner form, Shokora can be seen in the game's sound room, where some animated images of her can be seen when playing some CDs. Shokora sometimes appears on the main map as a Black Cat. If Wario purchases certain items from the Item Shop to use against the final boss, the Golden Diva, the player can see the shop owner transforming back into the Black Cat. At the beginning of the Golden Diva battle, the Black Cat scratches the Golden Diva's face. Unaffected, the Diva uses magic to absorb her. When the Diva's Lips are defeated, the Black Cat emerges, and she escapes with Wario from the crumbling pyramid.

WL4-Shokora Ending

Wario Land 4 ending screenshot of Shokora transforming from a cat to her true identity

After the Golden Pyramid crumbles, the four legendary treasures that Wario had collected are returned to the Black Cat, who transforms back into a human as a result. Shokora's appearance as a human is dependent on how many treasure chests Wario had collected from the Golden Pyramid. If one or no chests were collected, then Princess Shokora appears as a young, bratty toddler. If two to five chests were collected, Shokora appears as a large, unattractive woman with a big nose like Wario's. If six to eleven chests were collected, Shokora takes the appearance of a young woman with long hair, which resembles her artwork and her portrait on the newspaper. If all twelve treasure chests are collected, Shokora's true form is shown, as a slender and matured woman with shorter hair. Regardless of which form she takes, Princess Shokora kisses Wario on the cheek and says, "Thank you, Wario...♥" If Shokora is a toddler or in her hideous form, Wario is shown to be uncomfortable while Shokora kisses him, but is infatuated if she does it in her princess form.

After Shokora kisses Wario, four cherubim with halos lift her into the air, then Shokora disappears into the sky.

In other media[]

Super Mario-kun[]

Shokora is also seen in volume 28, in a story based on Wario Land 4.

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Crossover appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

Princess Shokora returns in the form of a Novice-class support spirit. If used, the Princess Shokora spirit equips the fighter with a Super Leaf. During the corresponding spirit battle, the player's fighter has to defeat Princess Peach on the Mushroom Kingdom II stage. The opponent is accompanied by Wario and Mr. Game & Watch, the latter being a reference to the shop owner.

If Princess Shokora's core is combined with Wanda's core, this summons the Sprixie Princesses' spirit.


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image gallery, click here.


  1. Wario Land 4 North American game manual, page 6.
    "When I read the article, I learned that the ruins held the buried pyramid where the princess Shokora, who once ruled this area, had been put into a cursed sleep by the arrogant, selfish, money-crazed Golden Diva."