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The Melty Molten Galaxy is a galaxy that appears in Super Mario Galaxy. It appears in the Garden, which is the seventh/final area of the game, is the third/third-to-last Galaxy of Super Mario Galaxy and is overall the thirty-fourth Galaxy of the game.


As the name of Galaxy implies, its a level that consists mostly of lava and rock. It is also the largest galaxy of the game. Its background features two stars (one on one side of the galaxy and one on the other) that are connected by a plasma stream, and the icon used for it shows the starting planet and the Burning Tide planet.


The Sinking Lava Spire[]

Mario must get to the top of the Lava Spire before it sinks. It starts sinking when he sets foot on its base.

Through the Meteor Storm[]

Mario must dodge meteors and roll a Star Ball across a spinning cylinder of lava on his way to the Power Star. The Star Ball Rolling theme has changed.

Fiery Dino Piranha[]

The Dino Piranha returns to settle the score after he was defeated the first time, but the monster has some new moves as his body is on fire and his movement speed has been increased, making him harder to defeat.

Secret Star: Burning Tide[]

This is a hidden star that can be visited during the first mission (not the Daredevil Comet). You must pay a Hungry Luma 80 Star Bits on the The Sinking Lava Spire mission to go to a new planet, where you have to collect silver stars on a platform that rises and sinks.

Prankster Comets[]

Lava Spire Daredevil Run (Daredevil Comet in Orbit)[]

This mission is only accessible, unless already completed, if a Daredevil Comet is in orbit. The player must complete the entire first mission, the Sinking Lava Spire, with only one piece of health. The Hungry Luma and the Lava Sea Planet do not appear.

Red-Hot Purple Coins (Purple Comet in Orbit)[]

This is a Purple Coin mission. It is only accessible, unless already completed, if a Purple Comet is in orbit.


The planets mainly have to do with fire in some way.

Starting Planet (Giant Lava Planet)[]

This is the main attraction in the galaxy. It slightly resembles Star Fox 64's Solar and is featured in the Galaxy Icon.

Starting Area[]

This platform has been embedded in the main planet. It features a volcano whose name is Mount Molten. It has two platforms on either side of the volcano. Small steel platforms can make a path between the large platforms, but they sink when stood on. Lava Plumes are also seen erupting around the Volcano, Mario starts on the volcano's south. He must climb the volcano in Mission 1, avoid meteors in Mission 2, and venture to the Hardening Lava Area in Mission 3.

Hardening Lava Areas[]

These are two areas that appear in three missions. The Hardening Magma Nodules are only visited in Missions 1 and 3, though only one is visited in the first Mission. Mario also lands on a crashed saucer here. The one visited only in Mission 3 spins. These nodules have their own gravity even though the main Star has engulfed them partly.

The one visited in Mission 2 is flatter, and it is infested with Lava Bouncers. These bouncers keep their distance from the landing area, and to progress, you have to find five golden Star Chips to create the Launch Star. Both planets have Steam Jets erupting from them.

The Lava Spire[]

This area is at the main planet's north pole. It is rather fragile and collapses easily, as seen when Mario makes his way to its top in Mission 1 and it breaks. Burn Bits infest the area to prevent Mario from climbing the mountain.

Steel Platform Area[]

This area is the second to last segment visited before Fiery Dino Piranha is fought. As its name implies, it is where Steel Platforms are common. Their sinking, however, makes crossing them hard, so Mario must be careful when moving, though he can stall the sinking by jumping. A Lumalee can be found in this section, where she has set up a Luma Shop to the left of the Launch Star that leads to the planet where the Fiery Dino Piranha is encountered.

Small Glass And Lava Planets[]

The planets in this area have been engulfed in a Pull Star chain. Mario must make his way through their massive group by using the Pull Stars. Their gravity will cause him to get pulled into them and take damage, though the glass planets are fine, and slightly resemble the Orb Planets in the Space Junk Galaxy.

Stone Octagon Planet[]

This planet is a stone octagon that is visited in Mission 2. It is where three Thwomps reside. Meteors batter the planet's outer surface, and falling inside causes death.

U Tower Planet[]

This planet is a small planet whose design comes partly from a castle. It has a Bill Blaster on its North Pole and a Launch Star-containing cage on its South Pole, which is where Mario lands. To progress to the next planet, Mario must activate the Bill Blaster by heading north, then head back south with the Bullet Bill on his heels back to the cage. It is visited in Mission 2 only.

Star Ball Challenge[]

Mario must complete Mission 2 by rolling a Star Ball to the end of this area. Two Black Holes lair under the planet, waiting for their victim to come near them...

Disk Planet[]

This stone disk is where Mario must find five Star Chips to get the Launch Star after his visit to the second hardening lava nodule. He must be careful: the planet's platforms move. The Launch Star appears on the stationary platform Mario landed on.

Fiery Dino Geo Planet[]

This is where the Fiery Dino Piranha lives. He is at first encased in his egg, but Mario can use the boss's tail to tear the shell off and engage him in battle properly. Upon being released from his egg, the Fiery Dino Piranha wakes up and gets angry. Once he is defeated, a Power Star appears.

Lava Sea Planet[]

On this planet, the lava rises and falls. The white patches are safe despite their absence on the galaxy's icon, but Mario can cross the black stone pathways connecting them when the lava falls.


Names in other languages[]

  • Japanese: Heru Purominensu Gyarakushī (Hell Prominence Galaxy; written
  • Español: La Galáxia Paseús Infernálius (Infernal Stroll's Galaxy)
  • Portugués: A Galáxia Paseús Infernálios (Infernal Stroll's Galaxy)
  • Italiano: La Galássia Passús Falsósio (Galaxy of Missteps)
  • Français: La Galaxie des Gerbes Infernales (The Galaxy of Infernal Sheaves)
  • Latin: Ille Galaxiās Acherontos (Acheron Galaxy)


  • This galaxy's theme song has been written in the key of D minor, though with some Major elements, resulting in modern D Dorian.
  • While not the final level of Super Mario Galaxy, it is the final Major Level of the game, as the next two Galaxies, Matter Splatter Galaxy and Snow Cap Galaxy are Mini Galaxies that hold only one Power Star.
  • This is the only galaxy in the game that displays a secret planet in the icon.
  • The name of the Melty Monster Galaxy from the sequel seems to stem from this Galaxy's name being combined with the word "monster."

