Uncompiled Camera Animation[]
Present in Demo/Ending.szs/Camera is just an uncompiled camera animation file (dummy.rsca), which was created by Eriko Kimura (from the Demo Movie team) on November 5th, 2007 at 16:10:33 UTC. A binary format of the said file doesn't exist in the archive, so this most likely went unused. Even so, the Model folder inside it is empty.
It is actually possible to compile this code back to a binary file, which reveals an earlier camera angle used for the total results screen that can be seen when the player loses a Grand Prix/VS Race/Battle.
Image (Early) | Image (Final) |
Unused Balloon Backmodel Animation[]

The 3D models for the balloons and the coin (both stored as the same model), which are seen in the background when selecting the Battle option in the main menu, have an unused animation. The animation (stored in /Scene/Model/BackModel.szs/./baloon.brres/balloon.chr0) is the exact same as the one used in the final game (loop.chr0), albeit without the coin (which was technically shrinked down to 1/100th of its size, much like with the 3rd balloon).
Unused Earth Model Duplicate[]
The textures to used for the Earth model (used in the background in the Wi-Fi and Mario Kart Channel menus) are stored in /contents/globe.arc/./earth.brres.LZ.brres, with the actual 3D model being stored in /Scene/Model/Earth.szs/./earth_with_dummy_tex.brres. However, earth.brres.LZ.brres contains a 3D model of the Earth, which looks identical to the one that is used, with the only difference being that its stored in the format MDL0 v8 (which is unsupported in the final game) instead of MDL0 v11. The reason for this is because of the "globe.arc" archive being taken from prior Wii applications that were used in this earth model (such as the Forecast Channel).
Special Ghosts[]
Special Ghosts were once delivered players' Wiis via the WiiConnect24 (much like competitions/tournaments), albeit exclusively to Japan and Korea. If a special ghost was available, the player would find it in the Time Trial rankings for its course. A notification would appear in the Mario Kart Channel's main menu and selecting it would take the player directly to the ghost in the rankings menu. Once highlighting the ghost, the bottom right text would simply say "Battle [name]." and would prompt the player to connect to Nintendo WFC once they select it. Special ghosts are mentioned several times in the game's text files.
Text ID | Text |
0x1C85 | Join the message service to have the latest
updates from the Mario Kart Channel posted to your Wii Message Board via WiiConnect24. You can opt out at any time. Messages will include information about: ・competitions ・special ghost data downloads |
0x1901 | Special ghost data now available! |
0x17AF | Special Ghost Data |
The game's manual also makes mention of special ghosts, showing a unique icon that isn't used anywhere else in the game.