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There is an unused movie clip (/thp/button) that seems to have once represented the background of the buttons on the multiplayer menu. The final game just uses the single player menu's movie clip (single_top.thp). Because of the waving flag and the coins + balloons, it is reasonable to suspect that the the back models (the animated models behind the buttons: flag, stopwatch, etc.) would have been on the buttons instead of behind them. It also seems to be wide enough to cover the entire buttons as the one used in the final game only covers nearly half of the button with a transparency gradient. Interestingly, an earlier version of the vehicles can be seen in this video. The balloons are also placed a bit higher than what's seen in the final game, along with there also also three balloons, instead of only two. However, the third vehicle is still present in the final game.

Unused Nintendo Wi-Fi Button[]

There are two unused buttons that can be found within the files for the Nintendo Wi-Fi page.

Image Codename Button Name Desciprion
ButtonGhostBattle Extra Ghost Race Button This feature would be normally accessible within the Mario Kart Channel, but it actually has a button on the Wi-Fi main menu as well. This button's codename uses the same text ID as the button in the Mario Kart Channel. Unlike the Mission Mode button, this one isn't hiding behind another button and turning it on can allow the user to see that it was supposed to be located below the Friends button. Unfortunately, unlike the unused Mission Mode button, this one has no properties linked to it. Because of this, pushing the button will do nothing.
ButtonELORanking ELO Leaderboard Button An unused button can be found in the game's files that was meant to be used for the Online Time Trial Rankings screen. Although it has no text or behaviour associated with it, its name can possibly relate that it was supposed to be some sort of leaderboard for the online players with the highest ELO, which was later implemented in other games such as Mario Tennis Aces. The ELO rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in "competitor-versus-competitor games", with then Nintendo probably just renaming it to VR later on. This feature was completely scrapped in the final game, probably because the VR system isn't the most in depth thing ever and it was quite easy to max it out.

Default Type Setting[]

Image Codename Description
DriftMode An unused button can be found within the License Settings screen. It has no behavior associated with it, but it uses the same text ID as the drift selection screen. It was probably supposed to be another way to set a default drift option for whenever the player boots up the game. In the final game, the player's drift mode is saved as whatever he/she used last, even after powering off the Wii (However, the character and vehicle choices are always set back to Mario and the Standard Kart M whenever the user powers on the game again).


Also in the License Settings screen are two more button layout and loading them in-game results in the screen shown in the image to the left. The first two buttons seem to ask for a drift type, with the third button's purpose is unknown (but based on the code name, ButtonUnfix, it seems it would have once disabled the default drift selection). This is believed to be the screen DriftMode would've originally have linked to.

Extra Character Buttons[]


On the Character Select screen, there are 4 button layout files for the three weight classes and one for both Mii outfits. There are also three separate layouts which are chosen depending on how many characters the player has unlocked. On the fully unlocked screen, there are a total of 10 unused buttons. Three of the unused buttons are shared evenly across the 3 weight classes, meaning each class has an unused character. The last seven are for the Mii outfits.

It would normally be likely that the three unused buttons for the weight classes were just from a programmer who (while entering the number) didn't realize 0 also counted as its own button. But that is most likely not the case as this doesn't happen with any other screen layout. The buttons all merge and stack in the exact same position, which isn't a position that fits with the buttons that are used around it. They don't have any character IDs assigned to them nor they do not have any delay for the animations when the game enters the screen, so they come on screen at the exact same time as the top row of characters, which they aren't close to at all. It's possible that the three character IDs may relate to the unused characters as their weight classes fit perfectly with them (Paratroopa, Petey Piranha, and Hammer Bro.)

The unused Mii buttons are all over the place as their horizontal positions all appear to fit within the rest of the buttons though, which isn't the case with the other buttons. All but three of them have character IDs attached to them, including the unused Mii Outfit C IDs. Like the unused character buttons, these also have no animation delays for entering the screen, causing them to load way before all the other Mii buttons. The Mii Outfit C button just loads the Mii Outfit A ID without modifications.

No Ghosts Screen[]


if no ghosts were given to a certain course, this screen would've been used to do so.. However, screen is never seen since every course has a staff ghost on it. It's possible that staff ghosts were not planned at the time during the game's development.

Unused Rules[]

Image Race Type Description
Team Race Rule In the rules menu, there would have been an option to select whether or not the player would want to play with teams. This option exists for both VS and Battle where it doesn't exist in any form for the latter in the final game. So in battle mode, the player can only be played with teams.
N/A Endless Race Count The rules menu has an option to select the race count for a VS race, which maxes out at 32 laps. The options are very restricted and are read from a table. If the value is -1, the game can be half coded to have an endless race count. This option sadly only exists on the menu and was never actually implemented into the final game. If it was fully implemented and selected, the race count number would read "Endless", but the text ID it is meant to display, 0xD7B where it is normally 0xD88, is actually blank, and the text "エンドレス" is actually one of the hidden brlyt text entries inside the game's files.

Choose Mii from Wii Remote[]


There is some unused layout data that was meant for an additional tab to choose a Mii from a Wii Remote on the Mii selection screens (both when choosing a Mii for a license and selecting a Mii for use in a race), named TabRemote (the existing ones in the final game are named TabWii and TabGuest). It's positioned almost in line with the console and guest buttons, though it is slightly misaligned vertically. There does not appear to be any remaining code for actually loading Miis off of a remote. It's unknown how far in development this idea has gone into before ending up being scrapped in the end.

Early License Management Screen[]

MKWii FileAdminTop

In the files of FileAdminTop.brctr (/Scene/UI/Title.szs, in /./button/ctrl), there contains an early button layout for managing the creation/deletion of licenses for three buttons. These include: New Licence, Change Mii, and Erase Licence.

None of these buttons have any code that associates to their said behavior, so nothing happens when pressed. In the final game, a new licence can only be created by pressing on an empty one and it is not part of the same menu as the Change Mii and Erase License buttons.

Unused Title Screen Text Layout[]

MKWii RomData

RomData.brctr and RomData.brlyt contain an unused layout that was possibly meant for displaying text in the Title Screen. Restoring these files shows that text would have been printed at the bottom of the screen in yellow, with a smaller height than the "Press the A Button" text. There is no code associated with these files and the text in the screenshot above is custom, which was meant to shown on how the layout would look like when restored in-game.

Early File Selection Screen[]

Image Filename Description
MKWii FileSelect early License Button Layout 2
FileSelect.brctr An unused button layout that was possibly used in an early version of the license selection screen, with each license having a different design and being positioned one after the other, from top to bottom. Each button (codenamed "ButtonFile0" to 3) has a highlighted Mii icon, which were likely used as placeholders for the 3D Mii heads models, and an empty square.

Although no text is assigned to any of these, if one were to manually add an entry into the aforementioned BRCTR file for rendering a text message, the text will be displayed and positioned properly inside the empty square which hints that the Mii name was supposed to appear during the game's development. In fact, the text inside that square is limited to 10 characters, which is the text limit for any Mii's name.

MKWii FileSelect early License Button Layout 3
ButtonCreatedFile Another button exists in this layout. This one would've possibly have been displayed when a new file was created.

Early Main Menu Button Layouts[]

Various unused button layouts that were meant to be used for the main menu screen. These layouts suggest that, in earlier development, the player may have transitioned into more menus from the main menu to select the different options. In the final version, the main menu screen contains all options available to be selected.

Image Filename Description
MKWii TopMenu
TopMenu.brctr Defines four buttons for all the game modes.
MKWii PlayerNumSelect
PlayerNumSelect.brctr This button layout was likely intended to be used for selecting the player number for the multiplayer mode.
MKWii WifiPlayerNumSelect
WifiPlayerNumSelect.brctr This button layout was likely intended to be used for selecting the player number for online play.
MKWii MultiPlayerConfirmOK
MultiPlayerConfirmOK.brctr This button may have been intended to appear after the player selected the number of players for the multiplayer mode. In the final game, the user transitions directly to the multiplayer mode's menu after selecting the player number.

Early Tagname Layout[]

An unused layout file (chara_name_only.brlyt) which represents an early version of the layout used to draw taglines and the other icons that are drawn with it. This file normally crashes in-game as it is missing an entry ("handle_text") that's supposed to be used for drawing the Wii Wheel icon next to the name (as it is loaded from a font file instead of an icon texture). Adding that entry back and setting its position to 0 (along with setting the scale to 1) by using a tool (such as Benzin), this will make the file work. The most notable difference is how this layout loads one of the unused graphics (tt_level_icon_handol_star2.tpl), as well as one of the early Wii Wheel icon graphics (shown to the left of the player's icon instead of its right). The player's icon also looks smaller than the one used in the final game.

This layout is referenced by another unused file: balloon_cpu.brctr. However, this file crashes when loaded into multiplayer mode seemingly because the entry that draws the characters' icons (character_64x64_common) is missing. It also references a few unused layout animation files.

  • chara_name_only_alpha_0.brlan
  • chara_name_only_alpha_255.brlan
  • chara_name_only_fade_in_out.brlan
  • chara_name_only_text_color_blue.brlan
  • chara_name_only_text_color_red.brlan
  • chara_name_only_text_color_white.brlan

Comparing to the ones used in the final game, they are named the same except without the "_only" in it's filename. While these files are technically different from their used counterparts, there are no apparent differences that can be found between one another.

Text Menus[]

The menus from ID 0x6-F do not load properly due to the missing code. These menus attempt to load the file "/Scene/UI/Test.szs" and then load the screen 0x00 by ID. Test.szs and screen ID 0x00 do not exist anymore, so it's unknown what purposes these menus originally had. These menus also exist in the Mario Kart Channel.
