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This article pertains the beta elements of Mario Bros.

Unused Graphics[]

Arcade Version[]

Image Description
Mariobrosarcade fishthing
A snake-like creature. Though it's purpose is unknown, it could indicate that a fourth enemy type was planned for the game.
Unused poses for Mario (and Luigi). The first pose appears to be an alternate version of one of Mario's sprites shown when jumped on by the other player, with this version of it seeming to have some incorrect pixels. The second pose appears to be Mario sitting down and letting out a breath, indicated by the white cloud (similar to when a level are finished in the Game and Watch version of the game). The third and fourth poses almost look like Mario riding something, but it's clearly unknown what these poses were originally planned for during the game's development.

NES Version[]

Image Description
Mariobrosnes bonuscoin
A "BONUS COIN" graphic. It's a more plain version than the one used in the arcade version during the first stage intermission. Even so, the NES Version of the game doesn't have the intermissions and thus makes this graphic go unused.

External Links[]
