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"Little Marios" is the thirty-sixth live-action segment of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. It is paired with the animated episode "Koopa Klaus."


Brian Bonsall ends up at Mario Bros. Plumbing. At first he claims that he's selling pots and pans, then encyclopedias and finally Tupperware but Mario and Luigi do not believe him. Finally, he admits he's running from home due to the feeling that his parents don't love him anymore. The Marios decide he needs to talk with them before he goes through with his plan.

Over a pizza, Mario manages to convince Brian not to run away through way of a flashback of a time when he attempted to run away from home: years ago Mario and Luigi engaged in an argument and their mother claims that since Mario is the oldest he should know better and punishes him by making him peel the garlic. Mario is appalled by the idea that he gets punished and Luigi doesn't so he runs away. However, Mario is afraid and returns, only to find that Luigi and Mama Mario are happily eating popcorn and discussing how much better things are without Mario. In spite of this, Mama Mario does claim that she missed Mario.

Brian then decides to return home on the belief that his parents wouldn't be taught a lesson and instead enjoy him being gone.


  • Mario and Luigi's mother, from "Mama Mia Mario," makes her second appearance here, but this time she is played by someone else rather than Lou Albano in drag, as shown by the fact that she and Mario both appear onscreen in the flashback.