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File:MKwii Thunderbolt.jpg


The Thunderbolt is an item from the Mario Kart series. When used, all racers except the user, are struck by lightning, spin out, and are shrunken, allowing the user to jostle (ram) any character in the race. The Thunderbolt is considered an Agressive item, due to the nature of its effects.In Super Smash Bros Brawl, it is an item that ,when touched, it makes everyone except the user, shrink, or commonly, grow .Sometimes, the user shrinks instead of the other players.


File:MKwii Thundercloud.jpg


The Thundercloud is similar to the Thunderbolt, in the nature of the effects on the racer. Unlike other items, the Thundercloud is immediately activated once it is received. Once activated, a Thundercloud will appear on top of the racer's head (the racer who activated it), giving the racer an increased speed and making him ignore slowing trerrain (such as grass or deep snow), although, after a period of time, the Thundercloud strikes the racer with a Thunderbolt, then dissipates. In order to negate the negative effects of the Thundercloud, a racer can pass the Thundercloud on by making contact with another racer, which transfers the Thundercloud to the racer that was bumped. That racer can then pass the Thundercloud on to another racer and so on until the Thunderbolt function of the Thundercloud activates.

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