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Li'l Cinders, (also known as Burn Bits), are crystallized fireballs that chase Mario/Luigi, attempting to harm him. If Mario touches a Li'l Cinder, he is singed and jumps around for a few moments, trying to extinguish the flames. Like a Lil' Brr, Mario can turn a Li'l Cinder into harmless stone by Star Spinning next to it and from there he can defeat it by running into it. Just be careful, if the stoney Burn Bit jumps into fire or lava, the Li'l Cinder reforms. Li'l Cinders are the polar opposite of Li'l Brrs.


Super Mario Galaxy[]

Burn Bit

A Burn Bit in the Galaxy

Li'l Cinders are first seen in Super Mario Galaxy. In this game, they are first seen in the Freezeflame Galaxy and later appear in Melty Molten Galaxy. They are often seeing hanging idly until Mario/Luigi approaches at which point, they ignite their flame and slowly chase after the plumbers in attempt to burn them. To defeat Li'l Cinders, Mario must Star Spin near them to temporarily extinguish them. Then, if Mario kicks them, they drop a Coin upon defeat. Li'l Cinders can also be used to light unlit torches.

Super Mario Galaxy 2[]

Burn Bit Lavas

Li'l Cinders on the snow-lava planet.

Li'l Cinders make a return in Super Mario Galaxy 2. In this game, they can be seen in the Freezy Flake Galaxy. They are mainly seen on the snow-lava planet. They also have the ability to melt snowballs. Once again, their attacks and way to be defeated are the same as before, they attack by chasing after Mario/Luigi in attempt to burn him and can be beaten with Star Spins and then being kicked into. Li'l Cinders also appear in the Melty Monster Galaxy on the Underground Volcano Planet, in the Battle Belt Galaxy on the lava planet, and in the Mario Squared Galaxy.


