Leapin' Lava Meltdown is the special level of World 6 found in Yoshi's New Island, as well as the final normal level in the game. Like every other special level, this level's playable Yoshi is the Green Yoshi.
Yoshi begins the level in a castle where he has to throw a Metal Eggdozer to activates the red ! Switch. As soon as Yoshi presses the switch, he will have to run across ledges entirely made out of red blocks that disappears after a little amount of time. He has to press more Switches to continue through the blocks. Once Yoshi gets to the end, he will have to throw a Mega Eggdozer upwards to make a door appear in front of him. The door takes Yoshi to another section with rising lava, and moving platforms. Yoshi has to use the moving platforms to escape the rising lava. After Yoshi escapes the lava, he will see the Goal Ring at the finish of the level.