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Paper Mario

Lakilulu is a female Lakitu character who appears in Paper Mario. She is the girlfriend of Lakilester, and they both live in Flower Fields.


Physical description[]

Lakilulu has orange hair tied into a ponytail. She also rides on a pink cloud, unlike male Lakitus, who ride on white clouds.


Lakilulu is a friendly Lakitu but she can get violent if she doesn't get her way. This was seen if Mario doesn't accept Lakilester's apology, she will keep throwing Spiny eggs at him until he does.


Lakilulu's name is a combination of "Lakitu" and "Lulu".

In Paper Mario[]

Lakilulu is first seen after Mario defeats Lakilester (who was going by the name of Spike at the time) in battle. She calls out Lakilester by his real name and apologizes for his behavior. Mario accepts their apology and Lakilulu gladly lets Lakilester join Mario's party. From there, Lakilulu remains in Flower Fields until Lakilester's return.

After Bowser has been defeated and the rest of Mario's partners go their separate ways, Lakilulu can be seen talking with Lakilester most likely having a friendly chat over their future. It was until Parakarry arrives to give Lakilester an invitation to Princess Peach's party. Lakilulu most likely allowed Lakilester to go to the party alone and she stayed behind (as she wasn't seen at the party nor during the parade at the end).

Goombario's Tattle[]

This is Lakilester's girlfriend, Lakilulu.
When they have arguments, she never backs down. What a cute couple!

