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Mario & Luigi

"Hammer Bro. 1: Whoa... My helmet antenna! It's broken! Oh, man, YESSS!
Hammer Bro. 2: Hey... Mine broke too! Talk about lucky! I mean, didja HEAR what was coming out of my mouth?
Hammer Bro. 1: I know, dude! Seriously, who talks like that?! Anyway, I think these tots freed us!
Hammer Bro. 2: Ya think? You little taters trashed our antennas? (Baby Mario and Baby Luigi confirm.)
Hammer Bro. 1: Right ON! Seriously, thanks! You saved our bacon. We were... not in the right head. So listen, you gotta let us thank you by hooking you up with these spare hammers!"
—The Hammer Bros are grateful for their liberation.

The L33t Hamm3r Broz., (also known as the Elite Hammer Bros.), are a pair of Hammer Bros. who appear in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.


Physical description[]

The L33t Hamm3r Broz. share an appearance with regular members of their species. While under the influence of a mind control helmet, the L33t Hamm3r Broz. have red eyes.


The L33t Hamm3r Broz. are hostile and speak in the Leet language while under the control of the Shroobs. When they are not mind-controlled, the L33t Hamm3r Broz. are shown to be friendly.

In Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time[]

L33t Hamm3r Broz encounter

The Mario Bros. are confronted by the L33t Hamm3r Broz.

They are mind-controlled by Shroobs, and as such wear mind-control helmets. They are the guards of the Vim Factory and are set to destroy. After they captured Mario and Luigi, Baby Mario and Baby Luigi battle them.

In combat, the L33t Hammer Broz. use Luigi's Knockback bros. ability, involving them whacking each other with their hammers. This attack must be dodged by jumping. They only do this when they both can fight. They can also attack by tossing hammers, with their hammer toss's target dictated by them jumping or standing still: a jumping toss means the target will be Baby Mario, with a regular toss accompanied by an eye roll meaning the target will be Baby Luigi.

After the L33t Hamm3r Broz.'s defeat, Baby Mario and Baby Luigi received the Hammer and Drill Bros. abilities after the L33t Hamm3r Broz. are transformed back into regular Hammer Bros. The L33t Hammer Broz. later teach them how to use their hammers in battle whilst using Spiny Shroopas as an example. After the baby bros. rescue Mario and Luigi, the L33t Hamm3r Broz. return to teach them how to use their hammers in tandem before leaving the Vim Factory.


Hat mario To view L33t Hamm3r Broz.'s
quotes click here.

Game data[]

Hammer Bro
L33t H3mmer Bro ani Level 6 HP 100 (90) POW 30 Defense 27 (30)
Speed 21 Battled by Baby Mario and Baby Luigi Experience 40 Coins 35
Item drop Location(s)
Mushroom Drop – 50%
•None – 0%
Vim Factory
  • Parentheses indicates statistics in the Japanese and European versions, if they differ from the American version.


  • One of the attacks used by the L33t Hamm3r Broz. is extremely similar to the Knockback Bros. attack from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions.
  • In the Japanese version, the L33t Hamm3r Broz. speak entirely in katakana instead of hiragana.
  • The L33t Hamm3r Broz.'s quotes are not entirely spelled in Leet. For example, if it would, their name would be "1337 H4mm3r 8r05.". It could even have been (among other possibilities) "1337 |-|4|v||v|3® 8®05."
  • The Spanish translation of the game removes the 1337 aspect of the characters entirely. Under the influence of the antennae, the Hammer Bros. speak completely in capital letters with a robotic tone; their vocabulary is completely normal apart from that, however. It is possible that this happened due to difficulties with localization, as 1337-speak is extremely uncommon among online Spanish communities nowadays.
  • The Korean translation of the game also does not use 1337 aspect, although unlike Spanish, Korean uses more internet language than English. While they are under the control of the antenna, they have brain-washed tone and the spaces are in random places.

