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Koopa's Tycoon Town is a board in Mario Party 8 and is played similar to Monopoly. The player who has the most coins invested in a hotel becomes it's owner and gets a star. Any player who increases their investment to the

Koopa's Tycoon Town Investment

Luigi investing in a hotel

most, steals the stars of the last player who owned it. If the total investment reaches twenty coins, the owner of the Hotel gets two stars and if the total investment is 50 coins, the owner gets three. This is true except for the Lucky Space hotel which are 3-star hotels. Once someone has invested 100 coins in a hotel the other people can not take the hotel. When stepped on the ? space a bandit comes and takes money from a random hotel and gives it to the player who landed on that space. When stepped on DK Space, he will come to invest in a hotel for you. When stepped on Bowser Space, he will come and steal money from a random hotel.
