- "Go straight that way. You can't miss the mess, pal! Your first job's to get rid of all that ugliness. And remember, we'll be watching you, pal. We'll know if you start slacking off."
- —Isle Delfino Police Officer to Mario.
The Isle Delfino Police is a group of two enforcement officers in Isle Delfino. They make their main appearance in Super Mario Sunshine.
Physical description[]
The Isle Delfino Police have light blue and light orange skin respectively, and the former one wears sunglasses while the latter one wears regular glasses. The light blue officer has a black mustache. Both of them wear a police hat bearing a Shine Sprite for a symbol.
In Super Mario Sunshine[]
The Isle Delfino Police first appear in the cutscene following directly after Mario collecting his first Shine Sprite. They march over to arrest Mario, as they believed he vandalized goop all over Isle Delfino, something that was actually done by Shadow Mario.
The following day, when Mario is let out of jail, a cutscene is shown in which the Isle Delfino Police instruct Mario to clean the goop. They state that they will notice if he starts slacking off.
For the remainder of Mario's adventure, the Isle Delfino each stand on the left and right sides of the entrance to Turbo Track. If Mario talks to them, they tell him to not slack off. The Isle Delfino Police do not have a major role during gameplay.