Island of Peril is the third level of World 3 in Yoshi's Island DS, a Cyan Yoshi takes control in this level. This level takes place on a lone island linked to several smaller islands each having their own paths and challenges. The level is also notable for having virtually the same start and end point.
Starting off the level, advance to the left and hop across the palm trees beating the Pirate Guys as you go and collect the Coins on them, there is a Red Coin on the tallest palm tree so be sure to get this, once done, advance to the left but watch out for the Boss Bass below the bridge as it will leap out of the water and try to eat you (Boss Basses are indestructible so don't bother trying to attack it), from here, hit the Winged Cloud to make the immobile Flatbed Ferry start moving, as it moves down, hop on it and then jump to the ship's "neck" and grab the Coins and Red Coin here, then jump back on the Flatbed Ferry and jump to the ship's head and switch to Baby Mario (if you're not using him already) at the Stork Stop and from here, hop up the mast (avoiding the Bullet Bills from the Bill Blasters and collect the Red Coin at the right end of the highest mast, from here, charge up a dash (as Baby Mario) and hop off the mast's end and continue fluttering until you reach the high ledge, two Coins and a Red Coin can be found here. Once you've gotten the goodies, return to the ship and hop up the thin mast and get the Red Coin atop it (be sure to use your tongue to push the Tap-Tap here off), next, toss an egg at the Winged Cloud to get some Stars, next drop down the Ferris Wheels and grab the Coin lots by the island as there is a Red Coin on both sides (totaling to two Red Coins), after this, hop in the Pipe.
Upon exiting the Pipe, you will find yourself at a small island with two more Pipes (several Goonies can also be seen flying in the skies above but they're too high so they are perfectly harmless, there are also Cheep Cheeps on either side of the island's waters), each of these Pipes lead to different areas of the level but all of them must be traversed to earn 100 Points, there is an Egg Block here for filling up your egg supply as well as a Stork Stop for switching your baby. From here, Enter the Pipe to your right.
Upon exiting, you will end up on an island with six Piranha Plants (so make sure you have six eggs before you enter otherwise you will have to go back to the Egg Block to restock), the first two are right there as you enter, kill both Piranha Plants and from here, take out the other four Piranha Plants along the path, once all four have been disposed of, a Smiley Flower appears, grab it and go back to the left and exit through the Pipe from whence you came (you can take the end Pipe as well but there are still some more collectibles to obtain), upon returning to the main island, enter the Pipe to your left.
Upon exiting, you will end up on a smaller island with two palm trees and several Pirate Guys, there are two boats on the island's sides with Pirate Guys on them, use one of the Pirate Guys to hit the Winged Cloud, from here, another Winged Cloud will appear by the right ship's flag, hit this Winged Cloud and another one appears by the tallest palm tree, after hitting this one, the next Winged Cloud appears by the shorter palm tree, after hitting this Winged Cloud, yet another Winged Cloud appears next to the left boat just above the water, upon hitting this Winged Cloud, the Smiley Flower will appear above the left boat, grab it and exit through the Pipe. Upon returning to the main island, move to the right and hop across the water (while avoiding the Cheep Cheeps, from here, hop on the hidden island and toss an egg at the hidden Winged Cloud by the Pipe as it contains Stars, once you get these, enter the Pipe.
This Pipe will take you to an underground water cave, where a Morph Bubble can be found, tag it to turn into the Yoshi Submarine, in this form, you can travel the waters following the Coin lines as you go, along the path, collect the Morph Bubbles to prolong the morph effects and watch out for Rip Van Fish that try to block your way as well as the pesky Piscatory Pete near the end which flings itself at you, there's nothing you can do about these pests except avoid them. Near the end, there is a niche with two Red Coins, grab these and tag the Yoshi Block at the end to turn back, from here, hop to the upper platform and advance to the left and drop down to collect the Coin and two Red Coins (the Sleeping Shy Guys below cannot harm you so you don't need to worry about these guys), from here, advance to the left and grab the Smiley Flower, hop up to the platform and exit through the Pipe.
Upon exiting, you will end up on a new island in a rainy condition, watch out for the leaping Cheep Cheeps as you leap to the island to the right, use the Egg Block here to fill up your egg supply, there are three Pipes on this island too, the left Pipe takes you back to the Piranha Plant island so there isn't really any need to use this again (unless you missed some key collectibles on the earlier islands), use the Stork Stop to switch to Baby DK as the next Pipe you will be entering (the right one) requires his abilities.
Upon exiting the Pipe, tag the Middle Ring to the right and hop up the two palm trees to the left to reach the vines, climb the vines upward whilst avoiding the Snap Jaws coming down continue climbing up and when the two center vines stop at the platforms halfway, grab the Coins here and continue climbing up the left vine and grab the two Coins floating by it as one of them is a Red Coin, the next Red Coin is to the right of the right vine, then the next one is to the left of the left, then the right of the right vine (these are in a sequence shortly after eachother, there are four Red Coins in this room), continue climbing the vines (but watch out for the Snap Jaws because if they hit you, Baby DK will be knocked off your back and without him, you are going to fall way down to the ground and due to him being all the way up, you have very little hope of getting him back and your star power may reduce to zero leaving Baby DK at mercy of Kamek's Toadies) until you reach the highest platforms, a Smiley Flower can be found here, grab it and ground pound your way back down and exit through the Pipe, upon returning to the main island, switch to Baby Mario and enter the middle Pipe.
Upon entering this Pipe, you will end up on an island resembling the one from the beginning of the level but at night. Just as before, drop to the water's sides and grab the Coin lots on either side as there is a Red Coin on both Coin lots, hop on the Ferris Wheels to reach the ship and watch out for the Pirate Guy Stack as well as the Bullet Bills being launched from the Bill Blasters, grab the Coins here as one of them is a Red Coin and hit the Winged Cloud for some more Stars, hop up the thin mast and move the Tap-Tap to grab the Coin (unlike the starting island, this isn't a Red Coin), from here, hop up the larger mast and make a dash as you did before to reach the high ledge to the far left which contains a Baby Coin, there is also a Winged Cloud above which contains Stars, once done, hop back to the ship and advance to the right and hit the Winged Cloud to form a staircase, climb the stairs to reach the ship's "neck" where some Coins and a Red Coin are stashed (once again, there is a Boss Bass here and it leaps much higher than the one before so make sure you're not underneath it as it descends or else you will be eaten). Advance to the right and enter the Pipe and grab the Smiley Flower in this small room, upon grabbing it, exit the area to return to the main level, hop up the palm trees and grab the Coins and Red Coin on the tallest one, from here, advance to the right and jump through the GOAL! Ring to finish the level.
Baby Coin Location[]
You will need Baby Mario for this Baby Coin, in the level's final section, hop up to the mast's top on the ship and charge up a dash at the right end, leap off the ship's end and flutter all the way to the far left cliff where the Baby Mario Coin can be found.
Enemies Encountered[]
- Pirate Guys
- Boss Basses
- Bullet Bills
- Bill Blasters
- Tap-Taps
- Goonies
- Flightless Goonies
- Cheep Cheeps
- Piranha Plants
- Rip Van Fish
- Piscatory Petes
- Sleeping Shy Guys
- Snap Jaws
- Pirate Guy Stacks
- The final Island's layout matching that of the starting Island's but at night seems to suggest that Yoshi and the babies returned to the level's start after traversing the smaller islands and night fell by the time they returned.