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File:100px-MP9 Happening Space.png

The Happening Space or ? Space appears as a space in the Mario Party series and appears in all boards. The happening spaces are depicted as a green space with a question mark (?) as the space symbol. When a character lands on a happening space, a specific event occurs. The event that occurs depends on the board map that the character is playing on. The events have a wide variety effects that may affect the characters position, their coin and star amount, and their number of items. The events may also affect certain aspects on the board like creating new obstacles or introducing new characters to the board.

The ? Space is a green space typically found on the various game boards in the Mario Party. Ordinarily they activate special board-specific events that can change the outcome of a turn or even a whole game. , the shape of the space differs depending on the board, including the tutorial map. In-game, these spaces were known as Happening Spaces up until Mario Party 6, when their name was changed to Green Spaces. In most games, a Bonus Star is awarded to the player that lands on more of these spaces than any other player at the end of the game.

General Information


Happening spaces have made an appearance in every Mario Party Game and on every board map. Their effects may differ depending on which board map is being played. These effects are usually based on the physical attributes of the board. For example, in Mario Party 2 , if you land on a Happening Space in Western World, then it will make the train go on to the next station, which may hit players in its way and send them back to start.

The Happening Star

After the end of a game in most Mario Party games, a Happening Star is awarded to the player who landed on a Happening Space the most, assuming the bonus stars option was on during the game. In Mario Party 7, the Happening Star may be one of the three stars that can be won, but it won't always be an award.

In Mario Party 3's Duel Mode board, it's known as the Happening space too, and a roulette starts with three random events.
