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Greenfist is a boss in Wario World. He is the boss of Greenhorn Forest and the first overall boss of both Excitement Central and the game itself.


Greenfist is a large green colored humanoid reptile-like creature.


Greenfist mainly attacks by slamming both of his fists into the ground if Wario is too close, another attack the Greenfist can preform is doing a charge and doing multiple fists strikes at Wario that if hit on contact will give Wario a burn status (which as he loses health will get faster), two attacks that are rarely use is being able to spit out goop and summoning Swoopin' Stus and Tweesters to add him.


The boss fight agents Greenfist takes place in an arena that consists of a single, small green platform. Being the very first boss in Wario World, Greenfist is very easy, to beat him, Wario must punch him enough times to stun him, then destroy one of his health skulls by using a Piledriver, Wild Swing-Ding, or Power Throw. He can also lose a health skull just by falling off the battlefield. After three powerful moves (and by three powerful moves, that means three double-damage Power Throws that throw Greenfist off the battlefield), Greenfist is defeated and Wario is allowed into Greenhorn Ruins.


  • If a Power Throw is used and Greenfist is launched off the battlefield, two of his health skulls will be destroyed.
  • Greenfist is the only boss Stage Boss (and the only boss as a whole) in Wario World to only have three Hit-Points, as ooposed the other bosses who each have five Hit-Points, making Greenfist the weakest boss in the game.