Glue Globes are an object in Wario World.
Glue Globes are an orange sphere depicting a red Crystal Entity's symbol on the side.
Whenever Wario touches a Glue Globe, he sticks to it. Wario can climb all around a Glue Globe. Wario can jump off a Glue Globe, sometimes allowing him to reach otherwise inaccessible ledges or platforms or to move across wide pits. The direction that Wario jumps from depends on where he jumped from the Glue Globe. Some Glue Globes move around while others remain in one position.
There is an object known as a ByeBye Balloon, which consists of a Glue Globe suspended in midair by several balloons. Wario can climb onto a Glue Globe to be taken to a different area of the course, depending on where the Glue Globe was originally located.