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Frantic Factory is the third stage of the game Donkey Kong 64. It is most notable for being one of the largest stages in the game (next to Gloomy Galleon) and is the first stage to be played within Crocodile Isle. This is also where Chunky Kong can be unlocked and the boss here is Mad Jack who is fought by Tiny Kong. All of the Kongs play an equal role in this level.


  • Lobby: The starting area of Frantic Factory. The lobby mainly has two paths: one that leads to the Production Room and the other that leads to the Testing Room. Snide's HQ can be found in here, though, one must go around through the Testing Room route before activating the Bananaport 3 pad to access Snide's HQ quicker.
  • Production Room: The Production Room is the largest room in Frantic Factory. This room, at first, cannot be climbed up but after Donkey Kong brings the factory to life using his new Gorilla Grab technique, it can be further accessed. There is also an area where Chunky Kong can be released from his cell and an upper area that leads to both Cranky's Lab and Candy's Shop.
  • Testing Room: This Testing Room is a fairly large room that is notable for having a large stack of blocks that only Diddy can scale up. Funky's Armory can be also found here.
  • R&D Room: Arguably the most interesting room in Frantic Factory. The R&D Room features several music pads that the Kongs can play and play unique mini-games to earn Golden Bananas. Donkey Kong must head through the R&D Room in order to get into the shack to activate the factory in the Production Room.
  • Donkey Kong Arcade: This is the original Donkey Kong arcade game and it can be found in a room near the Testing Room. Only Donkey Kong can play this game due to it needed to be activated with his Gorilla Grab ability. Winning the game the first time results in a Golden Banana. Winning the game a second time results in a Nintendo Coin which is needed to complete the game.

Other Information[]

Bananaport Locations[]

  • Bananaport 1: A Bananport 1 pad is located in the Lobby. The second one is located in the Production Room in the area close-by where Chunky's cage was.
  • Bananaport 2: A Bananaport 2 pad can be found in the Lobby right near the Bananaport 1 pad. The second Banaport 2 pad is located in the R&D Room.
  • Bananaport 3: A Bananaport 3 is located in the Lobby right near the two Krobots. The second Bananport 3 is located right beside Snide's HQ.
  • Bananaport 4: A Bananaport 4 pad is located in the lower area of the main area of the Production Room. The second one is found higher up in the same area.
  • Bananaport 5: A Bananaport 5 pad is located right near the Donkey Kong arcade machine in the Testing Room. The second one is located right in front of Funky's Armory.



Golden Bananas[]

Donkey Kong[]

  1. Before going after the first Golden Banana, Donkey Kong should make a stop to Cranky's Lab and pay him the amount of medals to learn the Gorilla Grab ability. Donkey Kong must head into the Storage Room of the Production Room and Baboon Blast from his pad. After blasting around in the sky, Donkey Kong will go through the DK Star and this will make a level appear near the Donkey Kong arcade machine. Donkey Kong must head to that room (by climbing up the area where Tiny's Kasplat is), and use his Gorilla Grab ability. He can then play the Donkey Kong arcade game and must beat it once to earn a Golden Banana. Very important note: Donkey Kong must play the Donkey Kong arcade game a second time to earn the Nintendo Coin. This is needed to complete the game.
  2. In the Testing Room, Donkey Kong can head down a tunnel that leads to a room with a giant puzzle. After Simian Slamming a nearby pad, Donkey Kong will have 60 seconds to pound the switches in order from 1-16. After doing so, he will be rewarded with a Golden Banana.
  3. For the next one, Donkey Kong must head through the R&D Room and jump down the area without a ladder. Donkey Kong will land near a shaft that can only be opened with his Coconut Shooter. After entering, Donkey Kong needs to Gorilla Grab the lever to make the main factory of the Production Room come alive. After the scene, a Golden Banana will appear.
  4. After the factory has been brought to life, Donkey Kong can now enter an area that is opened near a Bananaport 4 pad. After entering, it's shown to be very dangerous inside so Donkey Kong must use his Strong Kong ability to safely run through. The Golden Banana awaits him at the end.
  5. Donkey Kong must now climb up to the top of the factory. Eventually, he'll come across his Kasplat walking around on a lone, short platform. It's dangerous to fight the Kasplat on that small platform so Donkey Kong can take it out from a distance using his Coconut Shooter (or his Bongo Blast). After defeating the Kasplat, Donkey Kong can take it's blueprint to Snide for another Golden Banana.

Diddy Kong[]

  1. In the main area of the Production Room, there is a red-haired Kasplat wondering around the bottom. Diddy needs to defeat it and take it's blueprint to Snide for a Golden Banana.
  2. Note: Before getting this next one, Diddy must visit Cranky to learn the Simian Spring ability. In the Production Room, Diddy can Simian Slam his switch on the ground level to reveal a Golden Banana at the top. If Donkey Kong already activated the Bananaport 4 pad up at the top, Diddy can quickly get there by using it. Diddy must carefully cross over two spinning platforms and Simian Spring up to the Golden Banana.
  3. In the Testing Room, Diddy must scale up the tower of blocks using his newly learned Simian Spring ability. After reaching the top, Diddy can spring into a Banana Barrel that contains the mini-game Peril Path Panic. After completing this mini-game, Diddy is rewarded with a Golden Banana.
  4. In the R&D Room, Diddy must locate his area with his music pad and play the Guitar Gazump to open the area. In there, there are three doors that contain four numbers: "3214," 4231," and "1342." There are numbers on the wall and Diddy must Chimpy Charge the numbers in order according to the door. After he hits the buttons, enemies will come out and Diddy has to defeat them. After defeating the enemies from all three doors results in a Golden Banana.
  5. Diddy, still from the R&D Room must head down the area where there is no ladder leading down. Diddy will end up near the hut that Donkey Kong had to enter earlier. Diddy must Simian Slam his switch and quickly swing over vines to his Banana Barrel. This contains the mini-game Beaver Bother and completing this mini-game results in a Golden Banana.

Tiny Kong[]

  1. In the Storage Room of the Production Room, there is a purple-haired Kasplat wondering around near the ladder that leads up to the arcade room. Defeating the Kasplat and taking it's blueprint to Snide results in a Golden Banana for Tiny.
  2. Note: Before getting this one, Tiny must learn the Pony Tail Twirl from Cranky first. Back in the factory area of the Production Room, there is a Tiny switch on the bottom floor. Tiny must Simian Slam the switch and a Banana Barrel will appear high above. Tiny can use Bananaport 4 to quickly get up there and climb up some more until she sees the Banana Barrel far away. Tiny can then Pony Tail Twirl her way to the Banana Barrel and play the mini-game Krazy Kong Klamor to earn her Golden Banana.
  3. In the Testing Room, there is an area where Tiny can go small and head into a small room with a dart board. Using her Feather Bow, Tiny must shoot the image that the dart board displays on the side. Even though the wheel spins faster after each one, this is very easy to accomplish as Tiny can get in close for better accuracy. After shooting all of the images, a Golden Banana will be rewarded to Tiny. Note that as soon Tiny does this, a Banana Fairy will appear near Funky's Armory. Tiny should head over there and capture it in a photo.
  4. In the R&D Room, Tiny must head down a path that leads to a room with a racetrack. Tiny must then go mini and head through the opening. Tiny will then find herself playing a racing mini-game that involves racing and collecting coins. After winning the race, Tiny is rewarded with a Golden Banana.
  5. In the room with the Donkey Kong arcade machine, Tiny can go mini and jump up the crates. She must then head down a tunnel and a Golden Banana awaits her at the end.

Lanky Kong[]

  1. In the Storage Room, there is a Lanky switch near a metal slope. When Lanky climbs up the slope using his OrangStand technique and Simian Slams the switch, Chunky Kong will be freed from his cage. Happy, Chunky hands over a Golden Banana that Lanky can pick up.
  2. In the Production Room, there is a Lanky switch on the bottom floor. After pressing the switch, a Golden Banana will appear at the top of the factory. Lanky can quickly get up there using Bananaport 4 and work his way up. Lanky must carefully head up the metal slope using his OrangStand and nab the Golden Banana.
  3. In the R&D Room, there is a blue-haired Kasplat walking around. Lanky can simply defeat it and take it's blueprint to Snide for a Golden Banana.
  4. In the R&D Room, Lanky must head inside a room after playing his Trombone Tremor. Lanky must then play a game that involves pressing switches in order and memorize the order (the full combination is C-B-C-D-E-C-A). After this, a Golden Banana will be rewarded to him.
  5. Note: For this next one, Lanky must have learned the Baboon Balloon from Cranky first. In the Testing Room, there is a Lanky pad right near a Tag Barrel. Lanky can use his Baboon Balloon to float up to a nearby Bonus Barrel. Lanky must play the mini-game Batty Barrel Bandit to earn a Golden Banana.

Chunky Kong[]

  1. Note: For this one, Chunky must collect some medals and pay Cranky a visit and learn the Primate Punch technique. This is needed for the next Golden Banana. In the Storage Room, Chunky can Primate Punch a gate and enter a dark room. First, Chunky must smash the "?" crate to reveal a switch. After Simian Slamming the switch, a "?" that is higher up will break and a Golden Banana will be revealed. Next, Chunky must Primate Punch a switch with his face to light up the room and make the platforms move up and down. They don't stay active long and the two Mecha Zingers in the room may be of nuisance. Chunky must hop up and grab the Golden Banana.
  2. Up the pathway near Tiny's Kasplat, there is another gate that can be Primate Punched. After doing so, Chunky can head into the Bonus Barrel and play the mini-game Searchlight Seek. After completing this mini-game, Chunky is rewarded with a Golden Banana.
  3. In the Production Room, there is a Chunky switch at the bottom floor. After pressing it, a Golden Banana will appear at the top near the crusher. Chunky has a total of 90 seconds to get to his Golden Banana. However, if the Bananaport 4 at the top is activated, Chunky can easily and quickly get to his Golden Banana with plenty of time to spare. Chunky must walk slowly across the spinning platform and grab the Golden Banana when it is shown.
  4. In the Testing Room, there is a green-haired Kasplat walking around on the ground floor. Chunky can simply beat it and take it's blueprint to Snide for a Golden Banana.
  5. For this next one, Chunky must have learned the Hunky Chunky technique from Cranky. In the R&D Room, there is a music pad for Chunky in a room. After playing his triangle, Chunky will enter a very large room with a treasure chest at the end. Chunky must Primate Punch his switch to make some large toys come out. After defeating two rounds of toys, in the third round, a bunch of toys will come together and form the Toy Monster. Chunky must battle the Toy Monster as Hunky Chunky and defeat it to earn a Golden Banana.

