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"Fortune Teller" is the thirty-fourth live-action segment of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. It is paired with the animated episode "Mario Meets Koop-zilla."


Mario and Luigi have lost a church raffle but have entered a new contest where as third prize they can win an all expense paid trip to Italy with Sophia Loren, second prize is a tour of Hollywood with Annette Funicello, first prize is an evening on the town with Madonna, and the grand prize is milk and cookies with Scott Baio. Unsure of if they'll win a prize or what it'll be they decide to consult a fortune teller. They choose Madam AGoGo, who even had the foresight to include their names in her Yellow Pages ad.

Madam AGoGo appears and sees into her crystal ball. She determines that the Marios won't win any of the four top prizes but will win a date with a "mysterious, beautiful" woman. She then asks them if they'd like to join her for some Thai food. The Marios decline claiming to be "pizzaterians." Disappointed, Madam AGoGo leaves. The Marios then look to see what their consolation prize is. Much to their dismay it's a date with "the mysterious, beautiful Madame AGoGo."
