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Luigi's Mansion

A Creeper Launcher, named Creeper Creator in PAL versions, is a type of ghost in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.


Physical description[]

The Creeper Launcher is the boss counterpart of Gobber, although Creeper Launchers are more lime in color compared to normal Gobbers.


Like regular Goobers, Creeper Launchers remain in place and attack by spitting out large globs of goo. If a Luigi runs over this goo, he slips, becoming temporarily stunned. If one of the goo globs lands on a character, they take damage. If a Luigi gets too close to a Creeper Launcher, it slams him with its large gut.

Aside from yellow goo, a Creeper Launcher may spit out purple goo from which small Creepers are formed, something that Gobbers cannot do, and several of these small Creepers can form larger Creepers. While the Gobber is being vacuumed, it may jump in the air and create a shockwave to stop the Poltergust 3000 from vacuuming it. However, if a Luigi uses a Power Surge at this time, the Creeper Launcher's attack is negated, making it easier to catch without getting hit by the goo and Creepers.

There are several different variations of Creeper Launchers—Yukata, Daisy, Terrorange, Blimp Reaper, Go-Bee, Wurdle, Soccer Ball, and Cawe—all of which attack identically to Creeper Launchers.

In Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon[]

Creeper Launchers are one of the five types of boss ghosts in ScareScraper mode. One of them may randomly appear on every floor that is a multiple of five, barring the top floor. Hiders, and rarely Slammers, aid the Creeper Launcher in battle, as well as the small Creepers that the Creeper Launchers create. On the Expert difficulty or Endless mode, Hiders and Slammers are replaced with Strong Hiders.

Game data[]

  • Ghost Container:
    • American English: An enormous ghost with the uncanny ability to produce other ghosts! I've never seen anything like it! I'd recommend ghost hunters deal with him in a group, just to be safe.
    • British English: An enormous ghost with the uncanny ability to produce other ghosts! I've never seen anything like it! I'd recommend ghost trackers deal with him in a group, just to be safe.