- "Ms. Cozette... what are you trying to do?"
- —Connie questions what her mentor is trying to do when the latter disappears from Shipshape Island during the endgame of Mario & Luigi: Brothership.
Connie is a character in Mario & Luigi: Brothership.
Physical description[]
Connie is a humanoid with white skin, with her design being inspired by electrical outlets and plugs, like many other characters. She has a face that makes her look like an electrical outlet. She wears a white hat that looks like a plug with golden prongs on either side of her head and her hands have holes in their palms. Her outfit consists of a blue dress or shirt with a red button and what appears to be black trousers and boots.
In Mario & Luigi: Brothership[]
Before the game's events, a woman named Cozette served as the Wattanist (a pun on "botanist" and "watt") of the Uni-Tree prior to her disappearance. During this time, she was Connie's mentor, teaching her the responsibilities of the Wattanist. Connie held onto the belief that her mentor would return, unaware of what actually happened.
Meeting the Marios[]
Connie makes her debut in the game when Mario and Luigi, after their departure from the Mushroom Kingdom and arrival in Concordia, reach Shipshape Island. When the three meet, she explains that she is re-growing the Uni-Tree following the death of the original, and that the original tree's death resulted in Concordia's lands being torn apart and the resultant islands ended up floating away. Connie's friend Snoutlet reveals himself and becomes the duo's guide.
Lushgreen Sea[]
When Mario and Luigi reconnect Florall Island and the group prepares to the Great Lighthouse of Lushgreen Sea, Connie heads to Florall Island, recalling how she and Cozette, the original Wattanist who taught her the responsibilities of being one, used to go there together. Connie heads back to Shipshape Island, after which the Uni-Tree connects the currents to lead to the island with the Great Lighthouse. After the Bros. slay the Gobblick, who was stationed there and being fed Spite Bulbs (a hostile variant of Sprite Bulb), Connie is led to the lighthouse's top floor, where she reactivates it, forming a current to the Color-Full Sea.
Color-Full Sea[]
Later, as the gang explores the Color-Full Sea, whose Great Lighthouse a barrier blocks off, Connie and the gang meet more guests, such as a gang named IDLE and Starlow, who was the Bros.’ guide before Snoutlet. Princess Peach is also brought to Merrygo Island, where she and Connie meet for the first time. After the gang gets the resources so a genius named Technikki (from Merrygo Island) can work on a rocket, Connie heads to Allsand Island, recalling when she fell into a Quicksand pit and was saved by her mentor. After Technikki finishes her rocket and the IDLE gang crashes it into the barrier, Mario, Luigi, Connie, and Snoutlet infiltrate the Great Lighthouse, where they encounter another monster that serves as the guardian of the Great Lighthouse, the Sharpcask. The Bros. defeat the guardian, and Connie follows their lead to the top floor of the Great Lighthouse, which she reactivates, allowing access to the Brrning Sea.
Brrning Sea[]
Later, after Mario and Luigi reconnect Heatfreeze Island so Burnadette and Chilliam can have their wedding there, the lovebirds have their wedding sabotaged when the Extension Corps stow away aboard Shipshape Island inject a toxic substance called Glohm, which forces victims to seek isolation while filling them with hatred for others, into Chilliam. As Burnadette begs the Bros. to bring her lovebird back, Connie recalls a doctor who claims to have seen everything in Skorcheen Island, while the IDLE gang reveals that the Extension Corps have their own laboratory on Slippenglide Island. After the gang frees Doctor Vulko and reconnects Skorcheen Island, leading him to cure Chilliam, the gang gets items for the wedding, even though Shun attempted a sabotage. The Uni-Tree responds to the ceremony by connecting the currents to the Great Lighthouse of the Brrning Sea, whereupon Connie heads to Heatfreeze Island so she can talk to the newlyweds, mentioning how she got mittens there. After she comes back, Connie accompanies the Bros. to the Great Lighthouse, but the trio get caught by Mettozokettohei and turned into slaves. Mario and Luigi escape and rescue Connie, whereupon they bump into the Extension Corps and Zokket. When Connie asks what plan Zokket has on his mind with Glohm, Shun reveals that Zokket's plan is to destroy Concordia, which the heroes find to their horror. Afterward, Shun summons his weapon: the Pipegunk, but the Bros. destroy it much to Shun's horror and disgust. Connie follows their lead to the top of the Great Lighthouse after which she reactivates it, allowing access to the Gultchrock Sea.
Gultchrock Sea[]
Connie is seen during the intro to the Gultchrock Sea cutscene, where she and Arc are saved by Mario and Luigi as Bowser, who was fighting Zokket's forces at the time, pauses his attack on the Mettozokettohei to send the Bros. off. The Bros. get back to the ship, but the gang finds that Twistee and Heatfreeze got disconnected in the attack, so Mario and Luigi reconnect them. After the Bros. storm Bowser's fortress to get some Ampberries to restock Vulko's supply when the latter notices his Ampberry stash dwindling, the heroic quartet storms the Gultchrock Sea's Great Lighthouse, which Connie notes is too small for Zokket to use in his plans. She follows the Bros.' lead to the top and reactivates the Great Lighthouse there, creating a path to Zokket's fortress. After a failed attack on the fortress, Zokket appears before Connie, telling her that the brothers died during their botched attack. She refuses to give up hope, though, claiming that she and her mentor will reunite nonetheless, but still hopes that Mario and Luigi are okay.
Stormstar Sea[]
Mario and Luigi are revealed to have survived, as they get back to Shipshape Island from Conductor Island, which Connie finds to her relief. However, Zokket puts up a barrier to keep intruders out of his fortress. The gang gets Adaphne's help, after which the brothers launch a second attack on Fortress Zokket.
Reclusa Awakens![]
Even though the Bros. defeat the Extension Corps and Zokket meets his demise at their hands, a monster known as Reclusa awakens. Mario, Luigi, and Cozette (who was released upon Zokket's demise), get back to Shipshape Island, where they and Connie reunite. However, Reclusa traps the Concordians in flowers that trap victims in fantasies, revealing that it intends to starve them. It also creates a mockery of the Uni-Tree known as the Soli-Tree, which it uses as a fortress guarded by Glohm-powered monsters. As Cozette takes the blame for Zokket's crimes and apologises Connie wonders how to get past the barrier that the fiend set up around its fortress, at which point her mentor mentions that Bonds can provide energy to get through the barrier. The Wattanists provide the first Bond, which fills their Bonding Can (a watering can-like item that uses Bond power). Mario and Luigi race over Concordia to get Bonds. However, they end up one short, so they head to Conductor Island for hints. The Great Conductor (who realises that Connie is Cozette's student) reveals that even your foes can have their own Bonds, leading to the acquisition of the Bond of the Extension Corps. Unfortunately, Cozette charges ahead to face Reclusa to atone for what she (actually Zokket) had done, which Connie finds to her horror. The group eventually finds Cozette injured. The Bros. charge ahead while Connie tends to Cozette, eventually facing Reclusa (despite getting trapped in their own fantasy by it and getting overwhelmed by the Soli-Tree's guards at one point). However, Reclusa merges with the Soli-Tree, knocking them out with a Glohm wave. Connie heads in and revives the Bros., allowing them to continue the onslaught on the fiend, defeating it. It complains how its attempts to put everyone in solitude failed, which Connie responds by telling it that Bonds are important, but this offends the fiend, who rants how "it was not supposed to go this way." She responds to its rant by stating that the heroes' Bonds caused its loss and it should just disappear, after which the fiend succumbs to its wounds and its body disintegrates, followed by the Soli-Tree as the Bros. and Wattanists escape.
Concordia Is Restored![]
After Reclusa's demise, Concordia's lands are brought back together for real, undoing the damage Zokket did. Connie bids the Bros. a tearful goodbye, after which she continues tending to the Uni-Tree.
Behind the scenes[]
While the name "Connie" is a normal name, derived from a diminutive of the name Constance, the character may have been given that name to invoke connecting electrical appliances and objects.
In Japanese, Connie is called "Konetta" (written コネッタ), from Konekutā (written コネクター, transliteration of English "connector" merged with the Italian diminutive -etta). Her Spanish name, Conetta, is derived from Conector ("connector"), although strangely written with two T's despite that being banned in native Spanish words. Her Portuguese name is Tetê, a Brazilian female nickname, albeit meant to invoke tê, which may be used to refer to a plug adapter in Brazil. In Italian, she is called Condina, from conduttore ("conductor"). She has the name Ampéria in French, from ampère ("ampere"). German refers to her as Connetta, presumably from the Japanese name.