Claymorton, originally named Mack, is an officer of the Smithy Gang who took control over the Mushroom Kingdom with his army of Shysters, the guardian of the first Star Piece, and a major antagonist and the fourth overall boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and its Nintendo Switch remake Super Mario RPG.
Physical description[]
Claymorton is a small, red, devil-like character who rides around on a sword with a pair of eyes in the manner of a pogo stick.
In Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars[]
Claymorton is first seen in the Mushroom Castle. After his battle with Croco, Mario finds the Mushroom Kingdom in a state of turmoil. Many of the citizens of the town are being terrorized by Shy Guys (they aren’t real Shy Guys, they’re actually Smithy’s version, Shymores) all around. Mario, with the help of Mallow, defeat most of the Shy Guys and make their way to Mushroom Castle. In the throne room, they find Claymorton, whom they battle and later defeat to obtain the first Star Piece.
Claymorton appears again in the Factory, like the other generals of the Smithy Gang. Mack appears with Shysters once again if Mario and his crew battle the Mack clones.
Claymorton also appears during the ending credits. Here, Smithy and his three main henchmen appear where Smithy smashes all three with his fist due to their failures in defeating Mario.
The battle with Claymorton takes place within the castle throne room where Mario must battle his way through several Shysters in order to get to Claymorton. During the battle, Claymorton summons up to four Shysters simultaneously. Claymorton also unleashes different fire-elemental attacks, suggesting that he is a fire-based enemy.
Game data[]
Mack | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Behind the scenes[]
Claymorton's name is a portmanteau of "Claymore" and "Morton." His original name, "Mack," is likely derived from the jazz song "Mack the Knife."
To view Claymorton's image gallery, click here.