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Bowser Jr.'s Robot Reactor is a galaxy in the game Super Mario Galaxy and it is where Mario fights Megaleg. It is the first Boss Galaxy, second if one counts the Gateway Galaxy, and is unlocked when Mario has at least 8 Power Stars in his possession.


Megaleg's Moon[]

Mario begins this level on the Starting Planet, which contains a Launch Star in a cage. Mario will have to lure a Bullet Bill over to the cage to free the Launch Star and reach Megaleg's Planet. Bowser Jr. will appear and summon Megaleg. Mario must lure two Bullet Bills in quick succession; one into the outer barrier, and then another into the Grand Star cage to destroy it before the outer barrier repairs itself. After defeating Megaleg, Mario earns a Grand Star.


Starting Planet[]

This is a very small planet. Mario simply has to get a Bullet Bill to break open a piece of machinery to reveal a Launch Star, and then use that Launch Star to reach Megaleg's Planet. The planet's center is a Black Hole, and there are holes scattered around the planet.

Megaleg's Planet[]

This small moon which orbits the Starting Planet hosts the Robot Reactor. It is fairly small and orange, with many technology symbols all over it. It has small rectangular areas on it that are transparent and seem to have computer components inside them. It where Megaleg is battled. Getting to the landing point triggers his battle, so using the glitch shortcut renders the boss inactive until Mario gets to the proper landing site, or at least within 3 meters.

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Enemies Encountered[]


Bowser Jr.'s Robot Reactor is called a "Robo-Plant" in the Japanese (Robo Puranto, written ロボプラント), German (Robofabrik) and Italian (Robo-Impjanto) dubs, with "Plant" in this sense referring to a factory. In the Chinese, Korean, and French dubs, it is called a "Robot Factory" (respectively jīqìrén gōngchǎng (written 机器人工厂), Robos Peullaenteu (로봇 플랜트), and Usine de Robots). It is called a "Robot Dimension" in the Spanish dub (Dimensión de Robotes).


  • The Starting Planet was going to be grassy, but was changed to a metallic design later in the game.

