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"So off I went, lost and alone, on a journey to try and remember... well, anything."
—Bob-omb, Paper Mario: The Origami King

Bob-omb (ボムへい Bomuhei?, Bob-omb) nicknamed Bobby by Olivia (or Bhomas or Bobert) is one of Mario's partners on his journey in Paper Mario: The Origami King. He is a paper Bob-omb Paper Mario and Olivia meet on their journey to Autumn Mountain while riding the tram.


Physical description[]

When Bobby first meets Mario, he is a normal paper Bob-omb without his fuse.[1] He is a paper figure, with a black round bomb and two big brown shoes. Later in the game, Bob-omb(AKA Bobby) can get his fuse back by finishing his mission.

Personality traits[]

While Bobby has no memories, he is an enthusiastic Bob-omb with gumption.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

  • Bomb Bump - At the end of Mario's turn, if there are any enemies left, Bobby will execute a Bomb Bump move. The Bomb Bump targets a single unit,and deals X damage. It has a chance to fail, dealing no damage.
  • Explode - When Bobby gets his fuse back, he can explode like a normal paper Bob-omb. This allows him to destroy obstacles.

Personality traits[]

Bobby, while under his amnesia seems a bit chicken. He avoids going in dangerous places like the Water Vellumental's Shrine and the Ninja Attraction while claiming it's too kiddy for him, and he is much more grown up.


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Overlook Mountain[]

BobBomb FirstScene PM Origami King

Bobby is trapped inside a tram on Overlook Mountain. Mario and Olivia cannot see him, just hearing his voice. After cutting the Red Streamer, the tram station is released. Mario and Olivia find the Bob-omb on the same tram ride with them. He is invited to Mario's party by Olivia.

Autumn Mountain - Chestnut Valley[]

Throughout the Blue Streamer, Bobby is seen getting lost and into trouble very frequently, such as in Autumn Mountain's tall grass, and in Chestnut Valley. This leads Mario and Olivia to wander around these areas searching for Bobby. They need Bobby to unlock the door to the Water Vellumental's shrine, however the later decided not to go inside the shrine.

After Mario defeat the Water Vellumental, they escaped the mountain through the Eddy River into the Shogun Studio.

Shogun Studios[]

Bobby Regain Memory PM Origami King

Bobby regains his memory

In Shogun Studios, Bobby continues travelling along with Mario and Olivia. He helped them finding the items needed to unlock the gate into the Big Sho' Theater. Inside the Big Sho' Theater, Mario is forced to join the stage, while Olivia and Bobby watch.

After Mario defeats the Rubber Band and the Blue Streamer gets destroyed, the party went out into a celebration. The large firework show froze Bobby for a bit, giving back his memories. Bobby wanted to part away, but Olivia asked him back to the party.

Princess Peach (Cruise)[]

Paper Mario the Princess Peach ship PM Origami King

The Princess Peach Ship

After Olivia is trapped, Bobby instructs Mario to sail into the Great Sea where an important object of his resides. The two travel to The Princess Peach, a cruise ship that has been wrecked and seemingly abandoned. After restoring power to the ship, rescuing the toads, and defeating Gooper Blooper, Bobby retrieves his "important item."

Sweetpaper Valley[]

Early into the Yellow Streamer, Mario, Olivia and Bobby encounter Olly. Olivia gets crushed by a boulder sent by Olly in the Sweetpaper Valley. Bobby then asks Mario to travel to the Princess Peach Cruise. After the travel to Princess Peach Cruise, Mario and Bobby retrieve the later "important item". The group then return to the boulder where Olivia is trapped, Bobby reveals the item to be a fuse, then he put the fuse on him and sacrifices himself to destroy the boulder, freeing Olivia. Olivia is later seen traumatized by Bobby's sacrifice. With a ghost Bobby appearing, he encouraged Mario to help Olivia, Olivia was able to move forward and continue their journey.


Bobby is a play of Bob-omb.

Bhomas comes from "Thomas", a name that comes from the Hebrew word "ta'om" meaning "twin".

Bobert comes from "Robert", a German name meaning "bright fame".


Hat mario To view Bobby's
image gallery, click here.


Hat mario To view Bobby's
quotes click here.

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Intelligent Systems. Paper Mario: The Origami King. Nintendo. Nintendo Switch. 2020-07-17. Speaker: Collectible Treasure description. “An enthusiastic young Bob-omb without a fuse or memories but with plenty of gumption and explode-tuitiveness.”

External links[]
