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The black egg is an enemy in Wario Land 4.


Physical description[]

Black egg is a variant of Egg consisting of a light gray eggshell, contrary to its name, which has a few orange spots. The duck that hatches from the black egg has black feathers.


Black eggs are very similar to regular eggs during Cuckoo Condor's battle, but black eggs are more aggressive. If a black egg hits the ground, a black duck hatches from it. It waddles across the screen, appearing harmless at first, but a few seconds after hatching, the black duck begins to flash yellow, moves a lot faster, and detonates if it touches Wario, damaging him. Even if Wario is not near a black duck, it detonates on its own within a short amount of time.

In Wario Land 4[]

WL4 Black Duck battle

A screenshot of a black duck in Golden Diva's battle in Wario Land 4

Black eggs only appear in the final battle against the Golden Diva. They are the third of the five creatures that the Golden Diva produces in an attempt to harm Wario, whom she tries to throw the black eggs at. If a duck hatches from a black egg, Wario can defeat it by either ramming it or performing a Smash Attack before the duck explodes. Wario can counter the Golden Diva's attack by catching a black egg and then throwing it back up, which he must do before it detonates. After being thrown, if the black egg into contact with the Golden Diva's face, it hatches, but the duck immediately explodes, damaging the Golden Diva.
