Big Bone-Fist is an enemy in Wario World.
Physical description[]
A Big Bone-Fist is large skeleton arm with an attached hand.
A Big Bone-Fist can use a few different attacks, one of which involves it grabbing Wario and then throwing him. While Wario is grabbed, the player can wiggle the Control Stick to make him escape. A Big Bone-Fist can also attack by shooting energy rockets and attempting to slam down on Wario.
In Wario World[]
Only two Big Bone-Fists make an appearance, exclusively within Horror Manor. Wario must defeat them in order to progress further into the level. To attack a Big Bone-Fist, Wario must wait for it to do its slam attack and then Ground Pound the glowing blue weak spot on the back of Big Bone-Fist's hand. As a Big Bone-Fist takes damage, it fires more energy rockets. A Big Bone-Fist gets defeated once its weak spot has been Ground Pounded three times.