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B. Locker is a character that reoccurs in the game, Donkey Kong 64. He is an oddly-shaped character that resembles a piece of wood with angry eyes and another but smaller piece of wood on the top with a picture of a golden banana bunch that is found in all of the lobbies that lead to the main levels. B. Locker's role in the game is to block access to levels unless the Kongs have the correct amount of Golden Bananas. The number displayed on his 3 teeth If they don't, B. Locker will deny access making the tongue fart noise until they do. After the Kongs show him the correct amount of Golden Bananas, he will disappear to the next lobby. It is unknown what happens to him after leaving from the Hideout Helm lobby.



B. Locker is very strict and takes his job seriously. However, despite this, B. Locker is willing to let the Kongs enter to next levels when they have enough Golden Bananas. It is also assumed that B. Locker isn't working for King K. Rool and is, somewhat, an ally to the Kongs.


  • B. Locker's name is a pun of the word "blocker" referencing how he blocks access to levels.
  • There is a common trick that allows people to pass by B. Locker which mainly involves using Donkey Kong's attack combo.